December 20, 2006

i have MORE fans and FRIENDS

i dont come here often enough, i feel. really only do it when i see an email pop up telling me theres somethign free to download and creat a scrapbook page with. such was the case today.

went to download all the christmas freebies (GOTA LOOOOVE FREE STUFF!) and decided just to see if i had any "mail".

to my suprise, i had 4 requests for friends and several requests for fans as well!

based on the only 2 pages i have done of my

that must mean: I AM DA BOMB!! j/k

i promise ill scrpbook more frequently when the new year gets here. im hoping hubby gets me a NEW digital camera (*.0 mega pixle 4x zoom @ 200.00-kodak brand)

when i get the new digital, ill have a reason to scrapbook alot more, the camera i have doesnt have a motion stabilizer (even tho it SAYS it does, it doesnt. most of the pics i take are blurry. i checked the camera out i wanted and moved it while taking a pic as well as had my subject move while i took the pic and even moved the camera AND had the subject move and every shot was perfectly still.

thats what im looking for, some decent stability.

the other neat feature it had was an ON THE CAMERA AUDIO for the video that we shot.

one more neat feature: memory . it remembers the face and focuses on that when taking the shot.

im sure theres a ton more, but i didnt look it over that well.

sure hope i get that camera.

posted by nativity4me @ Dec 20, 2006 | 0 comments | |
December 8, 2006


yup, to finalize this year of 2006, and open the newest yer (2007) i chose to become a domaine name. talked it over with hubby, and we decided maybe it was time. im subscribed to MANY MANY blogs, and sites (myspace for example) but am just not satisfied with the restrictions placed on me by the site. i feel my creative juices are..stiffled while there.
so, hubby has had a domain name of his own for sometime, and we decided to get me one for just 6 dollars a year (THATS RIGHT 6 BUCKS A YEAR!
the entire reason im even telling you all about it, is one of the blogs i intend to keep up-to-date with will be a DIGI-SCRAPBOOK blog, expalining the page ive created, or event i captured, etc.
the site im domained as is still under construction and i feel i have a few things i need to do yet to it before its ready for the OFFICIAL unveieling.
i need a guestbook, and a site counter added to keep track of numbers of visits and well wishes from ppl who come to visit the page yet.
along with THAT site, well be making (soon) a FAMILY site as well, where i will also house the same DIGI-SCRAPBOOK blog.

want to be in the know? youll have to give me your email address (i promise i dont spam) to be able to have access to the pages i create and host fort he world to view.

there will also blogs, as my son and myself are..artists too.

and a CRAFT blog as well.

why i need you email address is to punch it into the "INCLUDED" ppl so you can recieve an update each time i add to the blog youve allowed yourself to be included on.

were still looking for the RIGHT blog for that.

but thats the update for now.
hope to see ya soon!

posted by nativity4me @ Dec 8, 2006 | 0 comments | |
a scrapbook blog about the pages i make with this SCRAPBOOK FLAIR program
Created: Jul 26, 2006

December, 2006
November, 2006
July, 2006
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